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Please Support us by making a Donation

With your donation, we can help our neighbors in the Fort Myer's Area.
Your donations will assist us with the following:
*Foster Child Bags of clothing, underwear, diapers, toiletries, no-sew throws, and Lifebooks.
*Quarters for laundromats.
*Building materials and supplies for repairs.
*Blessing Bags with food and toiletries for those who are homeless. *Kindness Cards - “Make cards to be delivered to local nursing homes”
*And much more!
Checks may be sent to any of our sponsoring organizations. Please write Inasmuch on the memo line so that we receive your donation.
Covenant Presbyterian Church
2439 McGregor, FM 33901
Edison Congregational
1619 Llewellyn Dr, FM 33901
Mount Hermon Ministries
2856 Douglas St, FM 33916
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
3105 Broadway, FM 33901
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